Dr. Thavrak Huon, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia
Dr. Sokuntheavy Hong, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia
Dr. Bounmy Keohavong, Souphanouvong University, Laos
Dr. Vongpasith Chanthakhoun, Souphanouvong University, Laos
Dr. Oulavanh Sinsamphanh, National University of Laos
Dr. Somkhit Boulidam, National University of Laos
Dr. Le Van An, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam
Dr. Ngo Tung Duc, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam
Dr. Marc Hanewinkel, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Benno Pokorny, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Chung Hoang Chuong, City College of San Francisco, USA
Dr. Le Ahn Tuan, College of Environment and Natural Resources, Vietnam
Dr. Catherine Vesperini, Institut Euro-Méditerranéen en Science du Risque, France
Dr. Oana Driha, University of Alicante, Spain
Dr. Pietro Zunino, University of Genoa, Italy